Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Helping Children to Learn Chemistry

Helping Children to Learn ChemistryLearning chemistry punishment answers is a learning experience for a child. They help to motivate them to learn more about their chemical makeup and how it affects their body. It is a great time to see if your child has what it takes to learn about the elements. Chemistry punishment questions are one way to get started in this vital process.The purpose of the teaching is to get your child's responses. When a child responds to the questions, the teacher will move on to the next question. When the teacher gets no response, the teacher moves on to the next question.Chemistry punishment answers are effective in getting a child to use this knowledge in their everyday life. Instead of having to sit down and learn how chemicals bond with each other, they can take it into their own hands by figuring out these answers for themselves. There are no right or wrong answers. Your child is just going to be working on their ability to do science as opposed to memor izing scientific formulas.Questions have been formulated that allow your child to be creative and correct a given question when they get the right answer. This should give your child satisfaction as they are able to get into their thinking for their chemistry answers. Some of the answers are short enough to get to know which will enable them to get more information about chemistry. Other chemistry punishment answers are long enough to cover a lot of different topics, so that they can learn more.Older children and young children can also be exposed to these items. A teacher will set the boundaries of who will be able to ask the questions and when. This will keep children from being bored and motivated to ask questions when they are not allowed to.Teachers will place students on teams to work together and answer the questions. Each team will work on one question at a time until they get it right. When the team members solve the question together, the team will be rewarded and can get feedback on the answers.The children can be able to print out their results and put them up for teachers to review and learn from. The teacher can then decide if a variety of new problems can be developed so that your child can learn more. They can be used in Science Experiments with other children to get them working together to solve the problem.After a child has been studying chemistry and gaining confidence in their ability to learn about the chemical make up of certain things, they can be given more complicated problems to think about. Different types of problems may be introduced in different situations to teach your child about solving different problems. These things will encourage them to learn the concepts behind chemistry.

Saturday, March 21, 2020

Organic Chemistry Tutor - Get Help From Students

Organic Chemistry Tutor - Get Help From StudentsIn some chemistry lessons, students find out that the material is only half of the battle when it comes to learning the subject. Many students are concerned about the amount of time they have to spend in front of the chemistry bench. If you have not taken any part-time or paid study schedule, you will find the fact of doing homework an ordeal.Even if you do take a course with a student tutor, chances are you will find the student busy studying during your breaks. As long as you are not a college student, this time can be spent on schoolwork. There are however, plenty of options to help you study for organic chemistry. The following paragraphs will discuss a few things you should do to make sure you prepare your study material for your next lesson.Make sure that you pay special attention to the writing assignments that are part of your organic chemistry syllabus. These assignments require extensive research and writing. Do not forget tha t you need to write a paper or research project to complete the requirements of your class. Prepare a good quality essay or report which complements the general lecture material that you have been given.You also need to devote time to study for organic chemistry. This is the primary way of improving your grade and making sure that you get the highest mark possible. Try to do extra reading during your break. This is also a good idea if you have any doubts about your work.While you are studying, try to keep all your attention on the particular topics that you have to write about. For example, you may not have a problem with learning how the elements react to each other. There are several books that provide detailed information on the chemical reactions in general. These books make for excellent reading material when you are on break.Finally, you should get help from online resources. They come with thousands of websites on the internet. All of these websites can provide you with impor tant information regarding organic chemistry. Online resources also allow you to get in touch with other students who are also studying in the same class as you.With a little effort, you can find a good organic chemistry tutor to help you out. Not only will you get in touch with such teachers, you will also be provided with the necessary study materials that you will need to use when your next school assignment is due.

Friday, March 6, 2020

Geometry Resources Online

Geometry Resources Online Online Resources for Geometry Study ChaptersGeneral Geometry ResourcesMassive Open Online CoursesSites to Help you Learn GeometryA remarkable aspect of the Internet is that nothing ever goes away; the flipside of that, for any search you conduct, is the amazing number of pages returned that may bear only the most tenuous connection to what you are looking for.Contrary to people’s idea that, for each query, search engines turn up exactly the answer you need, instead you get a mishmash of information that you then have to sift through to find what you want.In defending the Internet, some aver that you only need to ask the right question. The trouble is: what is the right question?Let’s say you need practice calculating the area and volume of 3D shapes or maybe gain a better understanding of congruent triangles, so you set out to find geometry worksheets.Typing ‘geometry worksheets’ into your favourite web browser will indeed result in a list of worksheets; now you can study to your heart’s content.Wait a minute ! Are these indeed the aspects of geometry you need to study or did you get a bunch of random sheets that have no relation to the particular shape or structure you need help with?That is why your Superprof has combed the Internet for the best geometry resources and organised them by their level and usage.Now we turn this handy directory over to you… so you can do less searching and more geometry.Grab your compass and straightedge; here we go! MyriamMaths Teacher 5.00 (13) £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors MarkMaths Teacher 5.00 (5) £200/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors Dr parikhMaths Teacher 5.00 (8) £40/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors KamalMaths Teacher 5.00 (9) £30/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors PetarMaths Teacher 5.00 (8) £40/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors GowsikaMaths Teacher 5.00 (5) £15/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors RubenMaths Teacher 5.00 (1) £15/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors ConorMaths Teac her 4.75 (4) £30/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutorsGeneral Geometry Resources Unlike British students, US learners don't study the law of cosines and complementary angles until secondary school Image by Gerd Altmann from PixabayA rather remarkable aspect of the education system in the UK is that maths skills are not taught in a vacuum.Students start learning geometry (and mathematics) from the earliest Key Stages and they continue to study geometry as they advance through each level, while the maths curriculum get progressively more complex â€" and, some would say, more difficult.By contrast, math learners across the pond, in the US, don’t start learning higher math until a few years later in their academic career and, even then, each facet â€" trigonometry, geometry and algebra and taught as subjects onto themselves, with little connection given to the big picture: that all maths are related.As a maths student in the UK (or the parent of such a maths student), you probably do not much care how Americans learn their math; you only want to find answers to you r math questions.We mention the difference between learning systems because many of the online resources for practising geometry and maths, in general, are American-born and are targeted to American students.Still, these are fantastic sources of information and, if you can manage to overlook the differences in spelling and pronunciation (in the video presentations), there is a lode of geometry information to be mined.ThoughtCo.ThoughtCo is a reference site whose content is written by professionals at the top of their fields in language that is easy to understand, whether you want to know more about biology, history or maths.Their site is uncluttered and well-organised and, while on their pages, you won’t suffer annoying pop-ups that want to send you notifications or enticements to buy anything.From their home page, it is easy to navigate to the math/science page and select geometry. There, you will find informational articles and printable worksheets to challenge your skills.A sin gle article lists the most important geometry definitions:line segment: a portion of a line that is between defined pointsray: the segment of a line from a set point, and any points along that lineangles: acute angles, right angles and obtuse angles, and what defines themselvesthey also feature straight angles, reflex angles and complementary/supplementary anglesEuclidean geometry and postulatesIntersecting lines, line midpoint and bisectorsIn one fell swoop, ThoughtCo covers basic geometry; the rest of their pages on the subject cover more advanced concepts with accompanying worksheets you can print and work on.With ThoughtCo, you can regale yourself with all of the basic geometry you need: equations, examples and worksheets. Our next website provides video instruction… Of you're left scratching your head over analytic geometry or even word problems, there is help to be found online Image by Gerd Altmann from PixabayKhan AcademyWith Khan, the difference between the American education system and our is much more pronounced; all of their material is organised according to the US education system.Khan affords you the option of searching for learning materials by ‘grade’ which roughly corresponds to our ‘year’ system. For instance, a British Year 10 student is roughly equivalent to an American 9th -grade student... but there are no firm, parallel lines between the levels, so you may have to hunt around a bit for exactly what you are looking for.Another point to remember is that American math students generally do not encounter geometry until they are in secondary school so, if you select ‘geometry’ from the site’s homepage, you will be directed to ‘high school geometry’ - which may well be where you need to go.Keep these points in mind as you search for geometry instruction on Khan!Now that you’ve arrived at the ‘high school math’ page, you may start your instruction by going over the bases of geometry: angles and polygons, and calculating the areas of such.Don’t forget to partake of their full overview of the Pythagorean theorem!You may also choose to move on to the topic you need the most help with: congruence, similar triangles, trigonometric ratios…Each segment is clearly marked; you can search for the topic that particularly interests you (or bedevils you!), watch the videos on that subject and then take an exam.If you’d rather not create an account and launch yourself headlong into video instruction, you may read the review articles listed at the bottom of the maths/geometry page.Both of these American sites provide fantastic resources to master the fundamentals of geometric figures, now let’s get a bit more international.Massive Open Online CoursesIf you are preparing to sit your GCSEs or A-L evels, you will probably need more advanced materials to study from/with.The new wave in education, these MOOCs, may just be the thing that will get you ready to sit your school-leaving or university entrance exams.As their name implies, they are conducted strictly online and they are open to anyone who has an interest. Some courses cost a small fee while others are completely free but for enrolment into the website or programme.Many top-name schools often host such courses but combing those schools’ websites to find them might bring you more frustration and aggravation than it’s worth. The solution for that is… you guessed it: another website (or three)!Coursera is one of the top names in MOOCs. They offer everything from free courses in AI and algorithms to a full degree course to earn an MBA. Their courses usually originate from top-named US schools.Their curriculum is unfortunately not tailored to anyone needing an in-depth understanding of geometric constructions; theirs is more of a hit-and-miss proposition.To wit, we searched their database for a geometry course and, while they had one listed, it was not currently active. Still, Coursera has plenty to offer; they are well worth bookmarking for later exploration.FutureLearn works in much the same way as Coursera and also originates in the US. They are less inclined to offer courses at no cost.If you are feeling adventurous, you may try MOOC List.They compile and list MOOCs from any school, anywhere in the world. No need to worry; they let you know where the course originates from and which language it is taught in.Remember, in the introduction to this article, that we said everything ever put into cyberspace is still there?That also holds true for MOOC-list; some of their course listings show a start date of 2016!  But then, some show an imminent start date too. Maybe they just haven’t gotten around to culling all of the outdated classes…Have you considered finding a geometry tutor who will hel p you master Pythagorean triples and similar geometry problems? Before you err into the land of the polyhedra, take a moment to master basic geometric formulae Image by Gerd Altmann from PixabaySites to Help you Learn GeometryIt’s quite nice that our American friends put so much geometrical information into cyberspace for all to learn from but we Brits have a few pages of our own to turn to.Take, for instance, Teach It Primary.Their geometry resources page is targeted to Key Stage 2 students so that they can better understand shapes: comparing and classifying them, their properties and how they are constructed.If you feel the need to investigate a quadrilateral in depth, their exercises blending quadrilaterals and scissors are sure to be a hit. Conversely, if calculating the area of a circle or distinguishing the types of triangles stymies you, there, you would be well-served.From the table below, you can find a summary of the geometry help - some that we’ve listed in this article; their web addresses and what you can find there.List of Helpf ul Geometry Web PagesSite NameWeb AddressWhat You Will FindKhan Academywww.khanacademy.orgInstructional videos and worksheets organised by level (designed for US students!)Thought Co.www.thoughtco.comArticles, worksheets and geometric formulasCourserawww.coursera.orgOpen online learning courses pertaining to geometry or other geometry applicationsFutureLearnwww.futurelearn.comGeometry and geometry-related open courses (as available)MOOC Listwww.mooc-list.comAn assortment of MOOCs; a search will pull up all geometry-related coursesTeach It math learning resources including a page for geometryTTS, puzzles and various geometry-related items for saleHomeschool Mathwww.homeschoolmath.netGeometry lessons and worksheets; links to further geometry learning sites (designed for US students!)Analyze Mathwww.analyzemath.comAbundant math resources including geometry formulae and worksheetsWhether it is the humble triangle or t he lofty-sounding parallelogram that is giving you fits; whether you want to deepen your trove of knowledge about geometric shapes in general or theorems in particular, you can turn to any of these pages for the information you need... without having to figure out the right question to ask your browser!Don’t stop now! Discover our beginner’s guide to geometry...

Thursday, March 5, 2020

How to Survive the College Application Process Part One

How to Survive the College Application Process Part One Its August and youre about to dive into your senior year of high school. Its also time to jump into the college application process (if you havent already) which, at times, can be a little stressful. Over the next few months, youll write several essays, send many transcripts, and fill out seemingly endless piles of paperwork. Its a lot of workbut once youre done, the payoff is so sweet: admission into college and plenty of time to enjoy the remainder of your senior year of high school. Want to learn how to make it through as painlessly as possible? This first installment of a three-part series will explain how you can survive the college application process: 1. Start early When it comes to applying to colleges, the earlier you start, the better. Completing one college application by itself may take several hours. Many high school students apply to five to eight colleges, so applying to all the schools on your list is a significant time commitment. What you dont want to do is wait until the last minute to complete your applications. This will undoubtedly lead you to rush, and thats stressful. But besides the extra anxiety youll feel is the increased possibility of you forgetting to complete a part of an application (a common mistake). Take out your calendar now to set aside a schedule for working on your college applications, and stick to it. Set up a schedule that gives you enough time to complete your applications at least a week or two before theyre due to give you extra wiggle room to review and revise your applications before sending them in. 2. Educate yourself Its important to know the ins and outs of completing each application you plan on submitting. While many colleges rely on the Common App, each college has its own specific application process and requirements. It will save you time in the long run if you spend time now researching the application requirements of each college to which you plan on applying. 3. Stay organized Once youre familiar with colleges application processes, create a checklist that will help keep you on track. Write down the names of all of the colleges you plan on applying to. Then, beneath each colleges name, list its specific application requirements, such as an essay, a transcript, and letters of recommendation. As you go along filling out applications, you can easily cross the items you complete off your list. This can help ensure you dont forget any aspects of the applications you need to complete. Additionally, because it gives you a visual of the tasks you need to complete, keeping a list can help you better manage your time as the application process progresses (and gets busier!). 4. Dream big So youve started researching the application requirements of the various colleges to which you plan on applying. As you do this, you may notice that many colleges and universities publish the average standardized test scores and GPAs of accepted students. For some universitiesespecially Ivy League schoolsthese scores and GPAs are very competitive. But just because some colleges are tough to get into doesnt mean you shouldnt apply! Apply to a variety of schools, both those youre more confident about and those you may think are a stretchit doesnt hurt to apply to a couple of reach schools to further challenge and motivate yourself. After all, youll never know if you might be admitted into the school of your dreams if you never try applying! See Part Two of this seriesfor what to do next... Any topics you want to know more about? Let us know! The Varsity Tutors Blog editors love hearing your feedback and opinions. Feel free to email us at

5 Ways to Stay Motivated During Finals Week

5 Ways to Stay Motivated During Finals Week Finals week can be a true test of your academic stamina. By this point in the semester, youre likely working double time to stay on top of your studies and maintain a positive mindset. As finals week quickly approaches, its key to find strategies to stay energized to succeed. Ways to stay motivated during finals week include focusing on your goals, following your study plan, and finding strategies to hold yourself accountable. Looking to successfully tackle your finals? Keep reading to learn five ways to stay motivated during finals week. 1. Stay motivated during finals week by remembering your goals Studying for your finals can feel like an endless battle, so its important to set goals and to stick to them. You may have a variety of different goals moving into finals week, such as: Are you trying to boost your math grade from a B to an A? Do you need to maintain a certain GPA to participate in a spring sport? Are you aiming to earn a specific grade in order to qualify for acceptance into a particular program? Whatever they may be, keep these goals in mind when you feel like you cant study anymore. Write down your goals in your student planner, or print them out and hang them up in your room. Do whatever you have to do to remind yourself of these important reasons to stay on track. [RELATED: How High School and College Students Can Setand AchieveAcademic Goals] 2. Stay motivated during finals week by sticking to your study plan You likely have a study plan in place that youve used throughout the semester. If not, now is a great time to develop one. Study plans can be broken down by class and can help you to accomplish all of your goals in an organized manner. When you have tests for multiple classes in a short period of time, it can quickly become overwhelming to remain organized. Write your study plan down, and check tasks off the list as you go. Remember, studying more doesnt always mean that youre studying smarter. Be honest with yourself about what you need to be working on and commit to that. Even when youre in the midst of finals week, keep returning to your plan so you dont forget anything. [RELATED: The Finals Week Survival Guide] 3. Stay motivated during finals week by holding yourself accountable Sometimes its hard to remain motivated on your own. Do you have some academically motivated friends? Organize an after-school study session to go over notes and challenging questions. Additionally, check in with your teacher to see if they offer office hours in which you could go and ask them questions outside of class. This is a great resource to use, especially for last minute questions. If youve been utilizing a tutor throughout the semester, consider scheduling a tutoring session during finals week so that you can get extra practice before your exams. These opportunities for accountability will help you keep going during the challenging parts of finals week. [RELATED: 6 Hacks to Make Finals Week a Little Less Stressful] 4. Stay motivated during finals week by getting a sufficient amount of sleep You can study all of the material, but if youre not getting enough sleep, you wont be able to recall it and synthesize it on the actual exam. Getting enough sleep starts with sticking to your study plan and avoiding late-night study sessions. Going along with getting sufficient sleep is making sure to eat and stay hydrated throughout the week. Taking care of yourself means that youll be ready to do your best work on your finals. 5. Stay motivated during finals week by reminding yourself how far youve come Although it may feel like it, finals week wont last forever. Its important to remember your goals and to find what motivates you to succeed. Hone in on how you can best use your time and help yourself do the best work. Any topics you want to know more about? Let us know! The Varsity Tutors Blog editors love hearing your feedback and opinions. Feel free to email us at

Teaching Online Cooking Tutorials

Teaching Online Cooking Tutorials Can You Look to Cook Remotely? ChaptersWhat Equipment Do You Need to Teach Students How to Cook Online?What Are the Advantages of Online Cooking Tutorials?How Can You Plan an Online Private Cooking Tutorial?What Happens in an Online Cooking Tutorial?“Good cooking is honest, sincere, and simple” - Elizabeth DavidMany of us enjoy cooking. However, enjoying cooking and knowing how to do it are two very different things.Similarly, many people would like to become better cooks. Much like learning to play the piano, practice makes perfect and many people are ready, just like with the piano, to get lessons and learn how to cook.  Just like with music, dancing, or art, there are also plenty of different types of classes available: baking, organic cooking, molecular cuisine, Thai food, vegetarian cuisine, etc.  There’s something for everyone!Have you considered teaching students remotely via webcam?If this all sounds a little bit complicated, don’t worry! In this article, whether you want to set up an online cookin g school, teach online cooking courses, or become a private cooking tutor, we’re going to explain how you can broaden your client base and start teaching students via the internet. You don't need the latest technology but you will need reliable technology. (Source: Free-Photos)Firstly, you’ll need:A computer.A good quality microphone that captures clear audio.A good quality webcam so that your students can see what you’re doing.Good speakers or headphones so that you can hear your students.A good stable internet connection.Video conferencing software such as Skype which can be downloaded for free. Your student will also need to install the same software.PayPal to receive payments online. You can also be paid by bank transfer but PayPal tends to be much easier.You’ll also need the necessary space to cook. Ideally, you need somewhere near your computer where you can be clearly seen and work comfortably. It's hard to cook even simple recipes or any delicious recipes if you don't have space and it's even harder to run a cooking course if your students can't see what you're doing or how you're chopping and prepping the food.You’ll need to set up your compute r so that your student can see every part of your kitchen. If your webcam isn’t great, you can also use a real camera as many of them can be plugged into computers and act as webcams.If your kitchen isn’t big enough for this, there’s still hope. The important thing is to focus on certain parts of your cooking like cutting and preparing ingredients. It won’t matter too much if they can’t watch the food cooking in the oven.Before the start of your first lesson with a student, you should schedule a call to check that everything works fine. This takes just two minutes and can ensure that you won’t have anything to worry about during the tutorial.Learn more about private cooking tutorials.What Are the Advantages of Online Cooking Tutorials?There are several advantages to teaching students how to cook via webcam. For example, you won’t have to travel very far to get to an online cooking workshop or online cooking classes, which means you’ll save a lot of time. Similarly, y ou’ll save money on paying for fuel or public transport. You’ll also save your back from having to carry all your equipment to and from the tutorials. There are several advantages to teaching online cooking tutorials. (Source: Skitterphoto)With the time saved, you’ll also be able to be more flexible when it comes to scheduling sessions. It’s easier to schedule lessons during lunch breaks, on evenings, or at the weekend if you don’t have to spend an hour getting to them.  There are also no geographical constraints so you can teach students from all over the world as long as their connection is good enough.You’ll save money as your students will have to buy their ingredients as you won’t be bringing it with you and the same is true of their equipment and utensils.You can also teach several students at the same time. Ideally, though, you won’t want to teach more than three students at a time as you won’t be able to tailor the lessons to them as much. In any case, you’ll have to make sure they’re all at a similar level before you start teaching them.Find out how much you should charge for cooking tutorials.How Can You Plan an Online Private Cooking Tutorial?Before you teach an online cooking tutorial, you need to prepare. Set aside some time to talk to the student about how you’d like to teach them and what they’d like out of the lessons. Like cooking itself, you need to plan your online cooking tutorials. (Source: monicore)Tell them how you work, what the lessons are like, and your teaching approaches. Then, ask them about their objectives and how they think you’ll be able to help them. Finally, make sure you check what equipment they have, too.Do they have a toaster, blender, a microwave, etc.? How many pots, pans, and salad bowls do they have?Some people mightn’t have an oven or only a few hobs so you’ll need to adapt your recipes to each student and their equipment.  Talk to them about the recipes you’d like them to learn. You can also schedule the lessons during this time.A few days before each lesson, send a message to the student telling them which ingredients they’ll need to buy and what they’ll be making. You might also want to include advice for buying the best ingredients. For example, they’ll need to know how to tell if the produce is fresh, which are the best cuts of meat, etc.Tell them what will happen in the lesson, too. They won’t need the whole recipe but tell them what equipment they should have ready and give them time to find it or buy it, if necessary.Will they be using their oven or just the hobs?Make sure you mention the cooking techniques they'll have to use. After all, a student who's learning how to cook with online cooking classes mightn't be familiar with basic cooking, knife skills, or certain cooking methods and they might want to look these up before the lesson.A quarter of an hour before the lesson, get yourself and everything you’ll need ready so that you won’t waste any time during the lesson looking for stuff. Place your computer or webcam somewhere where it can see you at all times.Now you’re ready for your workshop! Get your hat and apron ready!Find out the best ways to find students for your cooking tutorials.What Happens in an Online Cooking Tutorial?So what exactly happens in an online cooking tutorial?You’ll have to make the dishes alongside your student. Choose a recipe that can be made within time. After all, you can't learn culinary skills if you don't finish the meal. After all, you won't know if your meals taste good or how you can improve. Make sure your students can see what they're supposed to be doing. (Source: Daria-Yakovleva)Err on the side of caution. For a recipe that takes you 40 minutes, it may take you and your student an hour.Additionally, you might need to take some time to explain a certain technique as an hour can go by quickly when you’re cooking. You’ll need to explain what you’re doing and how you do it. Explaining every step will take more time than just doing it from memory. Similarly, you’ll need to then wait for the student to copy. The goal is for them to successfully make the dish. If they can’t follow, they’ll get it wrong.  Allow some time for questions, too. Don’t go too quickly as they’ll run the risk of getting it wrong.Don’t choose overly ambitious recipes, either, especially if your student is just a beginner. Prepare your lessons ahead of time and try out the recipes so you can see how long they take.Beginners will be happy to create a simple home-cooked meal rather than something worthy of a culinary school. Recipes for meals like macaroni and cheese, poached eggs, roast chicken, frittata, risotto, coconut flan, tapas, fruit crumble, etc. are all great for students who want to learn to cook. However, if your meal requires a marinade, you might need to teach your student how to make it one lesson and finish it off during the following cooking lessons.You can also look for TV chefs and chefs on YouTube to get ideas of how to plan a good recipe for your online tutorials.So are you ready to start teaching online cooking tutorials? Or do you think it’s too complicated?

How to Stay Visible and Get Promotions When You Work Remotely - Introvert Whisperer

Introvert Whisperer / How to Stay Visible and Get Promotions When You Work Remotely - Introvert Whisperer How to Stay Visible and Get Promotions When You Work Remotely Brie Weiler Reynolds January 28, 2015 Networking, Office Politics, Promotion No responses Go to top Does working from home mean you’re doomed to fade into the background and go unnoticed by your manager? Yes, working remotely does mean you get less facetime with managers and coworkers. But it doesn’t mean you can’t stay visible or get promotions and recognition for your hard work. Since remote workers are typically more productive than their in-office colleagues, it’s important to be proactive in sharing your efforts and results with the rest of your team. As a remote worker, to get the visibility, credit, and rewards you deserve, you need to learn how to communicate your accomplishments effectively with your team. Here are four tips for staying visible and getting promotions when you work remotely. Start Casual Conversations “Water cooler” conversations are one of the best ways to establish yourself as an integral member of a team. Working remotely has a lot of benefits, but isolation from the rest of your team isn’t one of them. To avoid becoming a hermit, it’s important to start conversations with your managers and coworkers. Don’t wait for them to come to you. Send coworkers messages on Monday mornings to ask how their weekends were. Pick up the phone to wish them a happy birthday. Make an effort to maintain your own version of a virtual water cooler conversation with the people on your team, and others in the company. The more “friendly” you are as remote worker, the less likely you are to be forgotten. (Like this thought? Tweet it!) Ask Questions When speaking with your manager, ask them clarifying questions about the projects you’re working on. This will show them that you’re on-task with your assignments, and that you’re paying attention to details and want to do a great job. There is one caveat to this tip be sure to ask quality, specific questions. If you ask too many questions about a particular project, people will begin to wonder if you know what you’re doing! Keep In Regular Contact Plan to send your manager a daily email at the end of each day (or week). The email should be brief, and give them an update on the tasks you’ve completed, the ones you’re currently working on, and what’s on your horizon. You want your manager to understand quickly, and without an overload of information, how much you’re accomplishing and your value to the team. The goal of this particular tip is to give your manager every reason to recognize and reward your hard work. Remote work or not, if you’re producing for the team and the company, you’re an asset they can’t afford to forget! Be Strategic in What You Reveal Most of these tips revolve around regular communication with your manager and your team. But it’s important to be strategic with those communications. Keep complaints and negative thoughts to a minimum, and focus more on having a positive, enthusiastic approach. If you do have a problem to discuss, try to bring solutions to the problem, rather than leaving it for your manager to figure out. Because your manager probably has somewhat less contact with you as a remote worker than they would if you worked alongside them in an office, you want to be sure the impression you’re making is as positive as possible. Finally, all of this chit chat and conversing is great, but when it comes down to it, you need to ask for what you want. If your goal at the end of the year is a raise or promotion, do your best work all year long to prepare. But when the time comes, you should also be prepared to request a promotion or raise, with the data and evidence to support your request. Because you’ve laid a solid foundation of communication all year long, staying visible and recognizable, your manager won’t be able to deny your contributions to the company, no matter how far away your home office happens to be. Go to top Have you ever worked remotely, or had a remote colleague? If so, what was that experience like? Image: Photobucket Bottom-line â€" I want to help you accelerate your career â€" to achieve what you want by connecting you with your Free Instant Access to my 4 Building Blocks to Relationships eBookâ€" the backbone to your Networking success and fantastic work relationships.   Grab yours by visiting: CLICK HERE Brought to you by Dorothy Tannahill-Moran â€" dedicated to unleash your professional potential.

4 Quick and Easy Italian Grammar Exercises

4 Quick and Easy Italian Grammar Exercises Brooke Neuman One of the keys to learning Italian is practice. Below, Italian teacher Nadia B. provides some quick and easy Italian grammar exercises to help get you on the road to success Despite what you may think, mastering Italian grammar isnt impossible. In fact, its as quick and easy as putting the rules youve learned into practice. The following four exercises will have you perfecting Italian grammar in no time! Remember, learning a new language takes time, so dont get discouraged if you stumble along the way. Its expected! Exercise 1: Interrogative Words In Italian, interrogative wordssuch as che  (what),  chi  (who),  quando  (when),  perché  (why) and  come  (how)are used to form a question. Practice using interrogatives by forming a question using each word above. Doing so will ensure that you can quickly produce the correct interrogative when needed to ask a question. See examples below: Che vuoi fare oggi? (What do you want to do today?) Chi era quelluomo? (Who was that man?) Quando arriva Giovanni? (When does Giovanni arrive?) Exercise 2: Telling Time Write down a series of times (for example, 2:24 p.m., 3:00 a.m., 8:00 p.m., and 9:45 a.m.) and then practice saying the times out loud, concentrating on your pronunciation. After youve mastered that, try working on your time expressions next. You can include di mattina  (in the morning), del pomeriggio (in the afternoon), di sera (in the evening) and di notte (at night). See examples below: Sono le nove e quattro di mattina.  (It is 9:04 a.m. in the morning.) Sono le sei e ventidue di sera.  (It is 6:22 p.m. in the evening.) Sono le undici e trentacinque di notte.  (It is 11:35 p.m. at night.) Sono le undici di mattina.  (It is 11:00 a.m. in the afternoon.) Dont forget that you also have the option of using the following phrases as well: a quarter before (meno un quarto), a quarter past (un quarto), half past (mezzo/a), noon (mezzogiorno), and  midnight (mezzanotte). See examples below: Sono le sette meno un quarto di mattina.  (A quarter before seven in the morning) Sono le otto e un quarto di mattina.  (A quarter  past eight in the morning) Sono le otto e mezzo di mattina.  (A half past eight in the morning) Exercise 3: There is vs There are There is and there are are indispensable in Italian, and its easy to practice using them correctly. Look around whatever room you are in, and use cè   (there is) and ci sono (there are) to describe the objects you see. For example, if you see a white chair in the room: Cè una sedia bianca. (There is a white chair.) You can even take it a step further and describe the quantity of each item to practice the numbers in Italian. Ci sono dieci libri e tre cuaderni. (There are 10 books and three notebooks.) Exercise 4: The Definite Article There are two main forms of the definite article in the singular, il (masculine) and la (feminine) and two alternate forms,  l,  for any noun starting with a vowel, and lo,  for any masculine noun starting with s- plus a consonant, ps-, or z-. Singular  masculine  noun: il Singular feminine noun: la Noun starting with a vowel: l Masculine noun starting with  s-  plus a consonant,  ps-,  or  z-  : lo Remember,  i  for plural masculine,  le  for plural feminine,  gli  for plural masculine beginning with a vowel, s- plus a consonant, ps-, or z-. Plural masculine noun: i Plural  feminine  noun: le Plural  masculine  noun beginning with a vowels-  plus a consonant,  ps-, or  z-:   gli To practice using definite articles, write out a list of singular nouns and then assign each one the appropriate definite article. Then, do the same for plural nouns by writing out a list of plural nouns and assigning each the correct definite article. See examples below: Singular mattita la matita (the pencil) zaino lo zaino (the backpack) uomo luomo (the man) Plural mele le mele (the apples) uomini gli uomini (the men) bicchieri i bicchieri (the glasses) With these Italian grammar exercises, you should be well on your way to a thorough and accurate understanding of basic Italian grammar. If you practice these quick and easy Italian grammar exercises regularly, youll start to notice that youre making use of these grammar concepts in an easier, more rapid, and accurate way than ever before in conversation and in writing. Nadia B. teaches Italian in New York, NY. She graduated summa cum laude from New York University, with a double degree in Italian Language and Literature and Classical Music Performance.  Learn more about Nadia here! Interested in Private Lessons? Search thousands of teachers for local and live, online lessons. Sign up for convenient, affordable private lessons today! Search for Your Teacher

An Argument for Online GMAT Tutoring

An Argument for Online GMAT Tutoring GMAT MBA Admissions Blog Let’s start with a brief exploration of online tutoring in general, before tackling the question of why and how to pursue online GMAT tutoring. In a sense, online tutoring is a bit like online shopping. In the early days of the internet, circa 1995, if you listened to the hype, you would have thought that people were going to be doing all of their shopping online within 5-10 years. It seemed inevitable. It’s now been over 20 years, and we aren’t really close to that “100% online” scenario. On the other hand, if you think about how much online shopping we do indeed do, you realize the internet has fundamentally changed the way we shop in significant, positive ways: it’s a) much more convenient and b) has increased competition and lowered prices. What are the major general benefits of online tutoring vs. in-person tutoring? In general, there are three major benefits to online tutoring relative to in-person: a) convenience b) the ability to review the session in video or written form and c) pricing. I won’t go into too much detail here, but consider an in-person tutoring session. One or both parties (student and tutor) must leave their house, travel to a different location, and meet to conduct the tutoring. Information may be written down on paper, or spoken in real-time. Not all that is spoken is captured however, and the danger of losing the paper used during the session is always there. A lot can potentially be forgotten or lost. Online tutoring solves most of these problems, particularly if you use a virtual whiteboard that creates a PDF of the session, and records the entire experience for later review. In this article, Studiosity suggests that some students actual prefer to seek help electronically. That said, I see a few reasons why online tutoring didn’t gain faster traction and still has its detractors: The human element is hard to ignore for some people. There certainly is something to the physical connection of discussing an issue face-to-face. It’s why businesses continue to spend so much on airlines and hotels when WebEx meetings have been around for 15 years. Connectivity issues were a significant barrier for many years. If both parties didn’t have a fast-enough internet connection, listening to your tutor’s voice and following what is being written on the whiteboard would be buggy, slow, etc. Lack of comfort with technology is a significant barrier for some people. Online tutoring does require some amount of “set up,” software downloading, etc., there are enough barriers for that person to shy away from giving it a try. The ability to write well online was certainly lacking for a period of time, and drawing figures or doing math problems with a mouse doesn’t work very well. Even as tablets became more available and less expensive, the ability for any given tablet to interface with any given combination of computer, web-chat service, and whiteboard is still sometimes questionable. Reviewing notes was historically, something that was much easier to do “offline” by looking at the physical paper you worked on with your tutor. However, almost all of these barriers to online tutoring have been overcome, and new benefits have emerged. The human element is still an issue and a major barrier for some people, but I’d argue that it’s essentially the only issue at this point. In 2017, most people under 40 have been around technology long enough that lack of comfort with the basic tools required to engage in online tutoring isn’t an issue. Connectivity and the ability to write are problems that have been solved with faster internet speeds and low-cost writing tablets. And now, new benefits have emerged. Many services allow you to save PDF copies of notes from online tutoring sessions, and the ability to record sessions in their entirety is now widely available. This means you can go back and recall exactly what the instructor was talking about and how a problem was solved. Why is online GMAT tutoring a particularly good idea? I see six major reasons that online tutoring is particularly attractive for someone studying for the GMAT: The GMAT is administered online. Certain tests, like the ACT or the SAT, are still given via paper and pencil. But that’s not the case with the GMAT. The GMAT is administered online. It’s quite a different experience than taking a test in person. You must choose answers using a mouse, and if you do need to write something down, you are given a little mini erasable whiteboard to use. Getting comfortable working through problems while you’re studying for the GMAT is going to increase your familiarity with the environment you’ll face when sitting for the actual test. Efficiency and flexibility is particularly important for most GMAT test takers. In general, if you are studying for the GMAT, you’re a motivated, young professional with an increasing amount of professional responsibilities. To build a solid resume and application, you should probably be engaged in leadership and community service activities as well, and of course everyone wants to maintain relationships with friends and family. Saving time on travel, and negotiating schedules due to travel, is more important than it might seem. It takes time and adds stress to the whole process of working with a GMAT tutor if you must coordinate travel and logistics issues. The GMAT is a particularly difficult test, one in which both content expertise and strategy is critical. Restricting your tutor options to those who are physically near you may put you at a disadvantage. By getting comfortable with an online approach, you can access the most qualified GMAT tutors in the world, instead of just who happens to be available near you. The range of content covered, and question types used on the GMAT is broad, from reading comprehension to mathematics to “data sufficiency questions” to the “integrated reasoning” section. As a result, it is often more helpful to have the ability to record a session and review it later when studying for the GMAT than it would be if you were studying for a different test. GMAT tutoring is expensive. Because working with an online GMAT tutor allows for a reduction in travel time, most tutors will accept lower hourly rates. Summary Online GMAT tutoring is more efficient than an in-person approach, and in some respects, more effective. If it’s something you’d at least consider, we think it makes sense to at least try it out. It could save you time and money, both of which you’ll need when you tackle the b-school application process.